Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Value of a Banned Picture Book

Image taken from macmillan.com
It's a Book by Lane Smith, (2010)
This picture book is plain and simple.  Its purpose is basically to explain what a printed book is and how it is different from the forms of technology that is prevalent today.  It may sound silly but in reality one must remember that the generation of youths today is more familiar with what technology can do than how to use a book!  Youths now a day are unfamiliar with printed material but they are fond of books on iPods, laptops, Nooks, and Kindles. Therefore, this book presents the basic concept of a printed book in a humorous manner.  This book is marketed towards elementary aged kids but I think it may be even better for the older ones since they can appreciate the tech-terms and final punch line.  Educators can use this as an opening activity in introducing students to web 2.0 tools such as blogs.  In all of its cuteness, this book also happens to be included among many banned books list because of its “jackass” comment.  Before judging the book please read it in its entirety and also keep in mind that the correct term for a male ass or donkey is in fact jackass.
Watch the booktrailer HERE!
Hear what Lane Smith has to say about his book HERE!


  1. I love that book so much. It is on my to buy list for my kiddos. The site looks great BTW, I actually gave you a blogger award but don't know if you got the email. I will send it to you again.

    Great Job!!
