Interesting Fact:
This book was a #1 New York Times Best Seller! It is directed at children 7 and UP, so that includes you too! Illustrations are included within the novel. It is typed in large text so it is possible to read in one day...probably in a couple of hours!
About the book:
This story is about a concieted china rabbit named Edward Tulane. Edward is owned by a little girl named Abliene who loves him dearly. Despite having such a loving owner, Edward finds humans annoying, has no interest in their affairs, and only loves himself. Due to an unfortunate event, Edward is one day seperated from Abliene. Soon he begins to realize that he had been unappreaciative of what he had. He comes across many different people some of which are loving and some of which are the opposite. He goes through heartbreaks to the point of saying "I'm tired of loving and being loved, its just too painful." Throughout the book, Edward can not talk (only to other dolls) or move, but he can think and feel emotions! The ending will warm your heart but probably make you cry!
Why should you read it?
Personally, I think that we should not only read it but share it with others because it teaches such powerful lessons such as friendship, love, and appreciation. Lessons that are valuable at any age. It helps us evaluate our attitude towards what we have, who we love, and those who love us.
Image borrowed from the official Edward Tulane website.
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